Monday, 7 December 2009

Dottie Angel Challenge!

If you haven't discovered dottie angel yet, then you are in for a treat. It's a blog full of warmth and humour, arts, crafts and lots of homemade. recycled loveliness!

Having been raised by a mother who made everything (we even had knitted vests!), I've always got enormous pleasure and satisfaction from creating something from nothing, or making a piece of junk look beautiful. Sooo....
I have decided to take the plunge and join Tif and the others in this challenge, starting 1st. January 2010. Check out her blog for full details.

Oh and any advice on how to overcome the knicker problem would be much appreciated!


  1. After much thought over your err...knicker problem, am convinced you must wear Simon's, preferably when he isn't in them, and ask all other family for knickers as presents for the next year, LOL!

  2. Thanks Kim, but I've got it sussed. Check out my new post!

  3. I'm thinkin' a bum tatoo..maybe indian-art ink oh & a hair-net!

  4. Loved this post and have been trying to do the same. Always enjoy your blog so much.

  5. I am on board! Thanks for the info!!!

    Happy New Year & Artful Blessings,
