Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Two Hours With A Few Jump Rings And A Leather Thong!

Sounds like fun huh? Well.....NO!

I made my first foray into jewellery making yesterday and it will possibly be my last.
One of the visitors to Barton Hall, Open Studios on Saturday liked my polymer clay magnets and asked if I could make one into a pendant. "Oh yes, of course", I glibly answered. How hard could it be?

Now, I don't own any jewellery supplies apart from old junk stuff, so I thought I would recycle what I had. After gathering my things and roping in my daughter to help, we set to work.

Happy Jo with her paintbrush!

Two hours later, after shouting words I never thought I would say in front of my children, and a few torn nails I had nothing very impressive to show, let alone sell! Kitty did better than me though.

Don't mess with a woman who has a leather thong in her hand!

Although I have infinite patience when knitting, embroidering, painting etc, I have none when it comes to chasing beads and fiddling about with bits of wire that won't do what I want it to!

"I'm sure I can find another use for these. Simon does need his eyebrows doing!"

I hereby salute all my jewellery-making friends and you can rest assured that there will be no competition from The Crow Road. I'll stick to buying from you instead.

And as for the potential customer....... well she can buy a fridge magnet like everyone else and hang that round her neck!


  1. I have absolutely no idea how to do jewelery either! We got to the Barton Halls Studios very late on Sunday so very sorry for that but did try to see everything there and blown over by what was going on! :-)

  2. You are so funny but I am with you on that one too - no jewelry for me either. xo

  3. mwahahahaha. Fridge magnets! Yes it's more fiddly than it all looks isn't it. I guess it's practice of course but I keep thinking I could be doing this or that (which would be much less taxing on my patience) when attempting beady bit exercises!

  4. Laughed at your post because I actually took a jewelry class in which we learned how to use a flame torch to melt the silver together-- and hammer and use acidy stuff and the whole works-- after I hit my thumb with a hammer, cut myself with the saw and burnt myself with the torch and made the most god awful crooked necklace thingy-- I also gained a new respect for jewelers and now buy all mine.

  5. Another funny blogpost. Have your read a Touch of Lemoncholy's today? Both of you cracked me up.

  6. Ah would you JUST LOOK at you?lol-little pet getting all conflustered! Beads are EVIL! wicked shiny little yokes that really only placate & pander to the FICKLE (although these are usually the ones who make great jewellery goddammmit!!)

  7. Oh, Jo - If I lived nearby I would do it for you! That's how I feel about sewing and knitting anything more than a purl stitch!

  8. i'm TOTALLY with you. i can't do the jewelry thing to save my life. not only does it look horrible, i inadvertently taught my son the four letter C word last time i tried to make a pendant (of a gear and a glass ring). hmmph.

  9. ooh Alicia, that's the really bad word! Your jewellery must have been bloody awful! Lol

  10. i was just scrolling back through your blog because it makes me happy and for some reason, in the very first photo, i thought you were holding a home pregnancy test. so glad it was an optical illusion! :)

  11. Oh Alicia, you do make me laugh. If that thing had 2 blue or pink lines on it, I wouldn't have such a big smile on my face!
